Sharon Skutovich

Fun Facts
Sharon Skutovich
Sharon is a registered social worker with the Ontario College of Social Workers (OCSWSSW) and a member of the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW). Sharon provides services to children, adolescents and adults.
Training/Work Experience: Sharon received her BSW and MSW from King’s College at the University of Western Ontario. She has worked and trained in a variety of settings including The Child & Parent Resource Institute (CPRI), Children’s Hospital of Western Ontario (CHWO) and Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPRDSB). She has a passion for, and extensive training and experience in trauma informed system transformation. She has provided a vast number of training sessions provincially and nationally for professionals, educators, parents, and youth on topics including Anxiety, ADHD, Trauma, Tics, and Tourette Syndrome. She has a passion for program and resource development to make mental and emotional workouts engaging, fun and effective.
Presenting Concerns: Sharon sees children, adolescents, and adults with a variety of presenting concerns including:anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), childhood trauma, depression, difficulties coping with stress, emotion-regulation and distress tolerance challenges, low mood, obsessive compulsive disorder, trauma, trichotillomania (hair pulling), and tic disorders / Tourette syndrome
Approach: Sharon uses an evidence- and strengths-based, non-judgemental, structured, and compassionate approach to assist members at the MindFit “gym” to get and stay in good mental and emotional shape. Sharon believes workouts should be engaging and fun, so humour is important during session and individual workouts!
Outside of MindFit: Sharon loves spending time with her husband George and their spirited Vizsla Ruby. She also appreciates lots of time spend with her adult children and grandchildren. She has a passion for summer, enjoys golfing, travelling, knitting and spending time with lifelong friends.
Fun Facts